Lessons are offered for kids and adults once or twice a week at my studio throughout the year. Each student has a reserved lesson spot throughout the year. Students are required to have an acoustic piano for best results.
Beginners and advanced students are welcome. Flexible scheduling is available for busy adults.
Tuition is divided into 11 monthly installment payments due at the 1st lesson of the month in advance. Please, call for current rates. If you don't start lessons at the beginning of the month tuition will be prorated.
A $95.00 annual registration fee per student is due on Sept. 1st or at the time of enrollment.
Piano lessons are scheduled at the same day and time of the week for each student. Missed lessons by the student are not refundable or made up. Missed lessons by the teacher will be credited to the following month or rescheduled based on availability. Extra lessons are available upon availability at additional charge by the hour.
Parental involvement is crucial to students’ success.
Make sure your child brings all necessary books at the lesson. Markings made in my copy of the music are NO help.
Set aside a scheduled practice time DAILY for the length of the piano lesson as a minimum.
Make up any missed practice time.
Supervise home practice sessions to make sure all assignments are completed properly.
Sit in on lessons periodically if not weekly.
Ensure that your child arrives at his/her lesson at the appropriate time - (not too early, not late).
Be courteous and don’t come in until the student before you is done. I am very prompt at keeping track of time.
Attend classical concert with your child at least twice a semester.
Be supportive and remember that consistency is the tool for success in piano.
Students are required to practice daily. Practice time guide:
Ages 4-5 - 15 minutes twice a day
Ages 5-6 - 30-45 minutes/day
Ages 6-7 - 45-60 minutes/day
Ages 8-9 - 60 minutes/day or as needed
Ages 10 and above -60-90 minutes/day or as needed
For the 2024/2025 school year lessons will be held from August 12th 2024 through June 27th 2025.
Studio will be closed as follows:
November 25th-29th-Thanksgiving Break
December 23rd-January 5th-Christmas/New Years Break
March 10th-14th-Spring Break
May 23-26th- Memorial Day Break
July 1st-31st- Summer Break
Please notice I DO TEACH on most school holidays such as Labor Day, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day since those are always on Monday.
If a student and/or parent should decide to terminate lessons at any given time during the year, the studio requires a TWO WEEK WRITTEN NOTICE. Such notice must be delivered to me by mail or e-mail. The studio will not accept/recognize telephone messages as documentation for such notice. Regardless of when appropriate notice is given, such student/parent shall be financially responsible for the two weeks/lessons following from the date of your letter, whether the student/parent chooses to attend or be absent. I reserve my right to discontinue teaching lessons to students for any of the following reasons:
Overdue Tuition Payments
Frequent Absences
Continuous lack of preparation